"Keystone Breakdown" Newsline...Powered by Impact Design & Images
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Had some technical difficulties getting on here with the move to google or whatever. Anyway...here we are...

After many requests, I decided to add the photo section back to my web site. Started to be a big part of my business last fall, probably the right thing to do. So...check that out and see if there's anything I can do for you. It's also where I'll have links to my 2007 racing photos, in case I forget to mention it here when the time comes.
Oh yeah..the Clarion Mall Race Car Show photos are there now. See? I almost forgot already.

A few new sites since I've been here last. I don't remember which, so head to my web design page and check them out.

Should have another site or 2 finished this wee, watch for them too. So...how come you haven't contacted me yet about doing your site huh?

Off to the Cranberry Mall probably Thursday and a day during the weekend, and the Shenango Mall sometime during the weekend too. Look me up if you're there. Should remember to bring my stickers with me...I'll remind myself.

That's all I can think of for now.